Friday, September 23, 2011

Seredipity and Second Chances...

Hello, friends! 

One of the things that I love about ACF this year is that we have affinity small groups.  Each of our leaders decided not just that they wanted to lead, but also what type of group they wanted to lead.  Jordan is leading a community service Small Group.  Paula is leading one exploring what worship really means.  Danny is leading FBI, or Freshman Bible Inquiry, and Stephen is leading ACFit, which is a fitness small group. 

Stephen's idea I think gets points for originality.  Fridays they have a bible study on different aspects of spiritual fitness.  On Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, their small group works out together.  Doesn't that sound like fun? 

Wednesdays and Fridays I join ACFit for their workouts.  On Wednesday I couldn't find them at the rec center (they were in the OTHER, more hardcore weight lifting area), so I decided to do some quick weights on my own then shoot some hoops before calling it a workout.  While I was shooting around, I saw as Asian student shooting hoops on the court next to me. 

I knew what I was supposed to do.  I was supposed to go over there, introduce myself, and tell him about ACF.  But, for whatever reason, I didn't.  It could have been a number of things.  Maybe I was rushed.  Maybe I was just scared.  Either way, I blew it. 

Fast forward to this morning.  I get to campus @ 7 but only Stephen and I were there.  One of the students had a meeting with his adviser and a few guys decided to sleep in.  We got to 8 and headed out to the track for some sprint workouts (which were REALLY hard by the way) and were joined by another student who normally comes to the workouts.  After a few sprints we headed to the gym for some basketball.

Guess who was there shooting hoops on the court next to us!  It was the same student!  I wasn't going to miss my chance this time.  We decided to play some 2-on-2 and invited him in.  He was more than happy to play with us. 

After 2 games (I went 2-0, just saying...), we decided to call it a day, but not before we were able to get his contact information and tell him about the small group.  He seemed interested, so here's hoping!  =0). 

A few prayer points for you:
- Pray for our Small Group leaders.  They have been doing such a great job but the numbers aren't reflecting that right now.  Please pray that they will not be discouraged, but encouraged by stories like what happened today. 
- Pray for growth in our Small Groups.  We know the ACFers are out there.  We know that they will be blessed by our small groups.  Please pray that God will work in their hearts and give them a desire to seek deeper community. 
- We are almost to our goal of 30 Mizzou students at Fall Conference!  We currently have 26 signed up, including at least 6 non-Christians!  Please pray that God will bring more students in and that He will be preparing the hearts of those going to receive what He has for them. 

Have an excellent day! 


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